
BR 2-03:The Dragon and the Phoenix

This story is thousand of years ago in China. There are two mountain, Dragon mountain and Phoenix mountain. Dragon lived near magic river. Phoenix lived in dark forest near the river. dragon and Phoenix was always enjoy in river and near sky. One day, they found very beautiful crystal on island. It's very very beautiful!!!! Dragon washed crystal in magic liver and Phoenix washed crystal with his feather. They watched became beautiful crystal. The crystal was very brighten. Then, Queen of Heaven found the brighten and she want to get the crystal. She rod the crystal when Dragon and Phoenix slept well. In the morning, they notice the crystal was disappear!!!! They looked for the crystal anyway but it was nothing. At night, they found brighten crystal at sky. They regain crystal from Queen of Heaven. Then, the crystal roll down!! The crystal drop in the river. Dragon and Phoenix was must leave beside the crystal. They always beside the crystal and Today too


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