
Free-write Cimmunity life

When I was a high school student, I devoted myself to club activities. My club is brass band. I played flute:) Our brass band was very very friend. Our club member is almost girl but few boys
. We were friend not relationship between man and woman. We likes music!! We practice every day and all day:) We sometimes had quarrel but reconciliation at once☆ We can cooperation and admit each other. We sometimes practice together. I like practice together different instrument and know other instrument's rhythm.
Brass band cooperation is very important. If someone mistake, all music hear funy. Each part is very improtant and imortant responsibility.

3 件のコメント:

massy's room さんのコメント...

Hi, Shisato! I'm Sanae(-: I didn't know that you belong to brass band club when you were high schol student. I also belong to brass band clib, and I played a trumet!

massy's room さんのコメント...
chisato さんのコメント...

Hi!! Sanae:)
You belong to brass band too!! Wao!! I didn't know that!!
Music id very nice☆